Stuff, things and all the the rest

Friday, 22 March 2013

English Stage....

Today I did the YMCA on stage in front of the whole of grade 2 (and that's A LOT of children), all of the teachers and the principle. Behind me was a massive billboard sized photo of all of the foreign teachers doing cheesy poses with some of the students.

This is as funny as it sounds.

We were guest judges of the grade 2 'English Stage', which is basically a talent competition between the classes where they all perform English songs. To be fair, they were pretty good. Unfortunately this meant we had to perform a song of our own.. which we were told the day before, without any time to prepare. This lead to a shaky (to say the least) rendition of YMCA, complete with dodgy singing and half-complete dance moves in front of a giggling group of children. I think they loved it. Or they were just being polite.

We have the grade 1 'English Stage' next week, which is all my students, so I'm already planning our performance for them - SUGGESTIONS WELCOME.

The billboard sized photo is another story. We had some photos taken a week or two ago of us being friendly and playing games with the students; we assumed this would just be used to show prospective students that the school has foreign teachers, maybe put in an advertisement for the school in a magazine or something (no-one really gives you a straight answer to these sorts of questions here). So you can imagine our shock and horror when we turned up to school to see our faces blown up round the school on giant posters, grinning cheesy grins with the kids. I have honestly never felt like such a celebrity.

Anyway, the weekend has rolled around again and its shaping up to be another good one. Tonight we're off for a 'korean bbq' with all you can eat meat and all you can drink beers, so that will be a good chance to eat some decent food and chill out. Hopefully we're going to get to go to the beach tomorrow to soak up some south China sunshine (if the weather picks up - heavy rainstorms this week have been clearing away some of the humidity), and then on Sunday I have a lunch date with one of my Chinese assistants, Linda. She is so keen to take me out, saying it would be her 'honour'... but really I feel like it's a privalege for me that she wants to hang out with me out of school hours! Maybe she can help with my mandarin, which is still not really improving. At the moment I just about order myself a beer and some fried noodles, but that's about it. Actually, maybe that's all I really need to survive here...

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