Stuff, things and all the the rest

Friday, 7 September 2012

Just a thought

A task for my current job is to trawl through endless lists of Twitter weirdos to attempt to find the next bestselling authors who are apparently hiding away on the internet. Firstly, let me tell you this is not as easy as it sounds. The amount of people who claim to be a 'NY times best-seller', and have in fact written nothing more in their lives than a shopping list, is incredible. Even the ones who have written books sometimes need to be treated with care... there are some very strange people out there.

Mainly what annoys me, however, is the amount of people who claim to be an 'aspiring author', or 'dream of one day being a writer'. So do it then! Even when approached, by a publisher who has the authority to potentially publish your work, it is amazing how many of these people come up with every excuse under the sun as to why they can't actually live out these 'dreams'. What I'm saying is, if you want to tell the world that these are your dreams and aspirations, firstly... do something about it! No-one got to be a writer by simply wanting to be one. And this applies for a lot of things (it doesn't just stop at careers). Secondly, when life does happen to pop an opportunity in front of you, go for it! It is rare that things will happen to you in life without you putting yourself out there first, so if you are lucky enough to be given the chance to do something you want to do, what's holding you back?

Nice little ranty second ever blog post. But more trying to offer some food for thought. x

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