Unfortunately the inconvenience of coming home and settling back into 'real' life means this blog has been left on a complete cliffhanger for the last month! There is so much to write about India (hopefully I haven't forgotten too many important details already) but I am going to postpone that post for just a litttttle longer to do a quick reminisce about the amazing places I have been and seen in the last 8 months of my life, as well as some moments that I will not be forgetting in a hurry. Warning: photo overload.
So! The trip of a lifetime... from London - Beijing - Guangzhou - Dongguan - Shenzhen - Zhuhai - Zhongshan - Chengdu - Zhangjiajie - Xian - Shanghai - Hong Kong - Macau - Bangkok - Koh Samui - Koh Phangnan - Koh Tao - Koh Phi Phi - Phuket - Hanoi - Sapa - Chiang Mai - Chiang Rai - Pai - Dehli - Agra - Jaipur - Pushkar - Udaipur - Mumbai - London! 30 incredible cities and 4 amazing countries. The top question I've been asked since coming home is 'which country was your favourite?' My answer is of course, China. Living in such a different country to my homeland was an incredible experience and I saw and experienced things that you just don't get to on a holiday. I have Chinese friends that I hope to keep in contact with forever and I have had the opportunity to be a part of 200+ Chinese student's childhood. However, each country has been so completely different and unique, if I had spent the same amount of time in each location I think it would be very difficult to choose a favourite.
So while I'm in a reminiscing mood, here's a few of my personal highlights!
I've walked on the Great Wall of China...
Experienced Chinese New Year in the capital of China...
Been to see the incredible Taj Mahal in Agra
Stayed with a local tribal family in the beautiful Northern Vietnam town of Sapa
Cuddled a big furry tiger in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Spent the day riding and looking after beautiful elephants
Walked over a glass bottom walkway 47,000 ft high in the Chinese mountains
Sat at the 250th floor of the Oriental Pearl Tower at The Bund, Shanghai
Seen the skyscrapers of Hong Kong from the highest peak in the city
Been for a dip on the beach from the film 'The Beach' on Koh Phi Phi
Danced until the sun came up with 10,000 other travellers at the infamous Full Moon Party, Koh Phangnan
Visited adorable pandas at the Chengdu Panda Research Center, China
Seen the Terracotta Warriors, China
Sailed through Halong Bay, Vietnam
Taken a casual camel ride through the Indian desert
And, who can forget, I've taught English to the most incredible and clever 6 year olds who never failed to amaze me every day!
I've met some great people from all over the world who I will never forget..
And some that I really hope never forget me..
And it's worth mentioning the not-so-good times I guess....
The 30 hour train journeys, being stared at like zoo animals...
Saying goodbye...
And despite all the AMAZING food...
There have been some not quite so amazing choices.
Of course this has barely scratched the surface of the amazing things I've been lucky enough to experience. For 7 months 10 days I think that's enough to be getting on with, but who's to say I won't get to see more of the world one day!!
So! The trip of a lifetime... from London - Beijing - Guangzhou - Dongguan - Shenzhen - Zhuhai - Zhongshan - Chengdu - Zhangjiajie - Xian - Shanghai - Hong Kong - Macau - Bangkok - Koh Samui - Koh Phangnan - Koh Tao - Koh Phi Phi - Phuket - Hanoi - Sapa - Chiang Mai - Chiang Rai - Pai - Dehli - Agra - Jaipur - Pushkar - Udaipur - Mumbai - London! 30 incredible cities and 4 amazing countries. The top question I've been asked since coming home is 'which country was your favourite?' My answer is of course, China. Living in such a different country to my homeland was an incredible experience and I saw and experienced things that you just don't get to on a holiday. I have Chinese friends that I hope to keep in contact with forever and I have had the opportunity to be a part of 200+ Chinese student's childhood. However, each country has been so completely different and unique, if I had spent the same amount of time in each location I think it would be very difficult to choose a favourite.
So while I'm in a reminiscing mood, here's a few of my personal highlights!
I've walked on the Great Wall of China...
Experienced Chinese New Year in the capital of China...
Crazy street fireworks
Been to see the incredible Taj Mahal in Agra
Stayed with a local tribal family in the beautiful Northern Vietnam town of Sapa
Cuddled a big furry tiger in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Spent the day riding and looking after beautiful elephants
Walked over a glass bottom walkway 47,000 ft high in the Chinese mountains
Sat at the 250th floor of the Oriental Pearl Tower at The Bund, Shanghai
Seen the skyscrapers of Hong Kong from the highest peak in the city
Been for a dip on the beach from the film 'The Beach' on Koh Phi Phi
Danced until the sun came up with 10,000 other travellers at the infamous Full Moon Party, Koh Phangnan
Visited adorable pandas at the Chengdu Panda Research Center, China
Seen the Terracotta Warriors, China
Sailed through Halong Bay, Vietnam
Taken a casual camel ride through the Indian desert
And, who can forget, I've taught English to the most incredible and clever 6 year olds who never failed to amaze me every day!
I've met some great people from all over the world who I will never forget..
And some that I really hope never forget me..
And it's worth mentioning the not-so-good times I guess....
The 30 hour train journeys, being stared at like zoo animals...
Saying goodbye...
And despite all the AMAZING food...
Rajhastani Thali, India
There have been some not quite so amazing choices.
Chicken feet in Dongguan
Of course this has barely scratched the surface of the amazing things I've been lucky enough to experience. For 7 months 10 days I think that's enough to be getting on with, but who's to say I won't get to see more of the world one day!!
'The world is a book... and those who do not travel read only a page'